藤井 可
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.6, pp.49-63, 2012-03

This paper investigated the stabbing incident of downed B29's soldiers caused by residents in Aso area in Japan (May 5, 1945). First, the information and the time background about this incident were described. Second, the validity of residents' act from a legal standpoint and an ethical standpoint was examined. Finally, the alternative options were proposed. The discussion is aimed at a descriptive-ethical work. In addition, this work should be regarded also as a trial for a new framework that enables local researchers to talk about problems or inequality of their own local community.
高橋 隆雄
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.5, pp.1-17, 2010-03

1981年にイタリアの小説部門で最高のストレーガ賞を受賞した「薔薇の名前」は、イタリアの哲学者であるウンベルト・エーコの著作である。映画にもなったので観た人も多いだろう。中世末の北イタリアの修道院を舞台にして、皇帝とローマ教皇の世俗レベルでの争い、それを神学上の教義に移して繰り広げられる清貧論争、異端審問、複雑怪奇な構造と謎に満ちた文書館、そして連続殺人とその謎解きは、神学上のまた現実の迷宮へと読者を誘ってやまない。本稿では、「薔薇の名前」に登場する清貧論争を権利概念の誕生史の中で捉えなおしてみたい。In one scene of the bestselling novel Il Nome della Rosa written by famous Italian philosopher Umbert Eco, the characters in the novel engaged heatedly in Apostolic Poverty Controversy. The issue of the argument was whether Jesus and the Apostles had propriety over their belongings. When we read the novel within the background of the history of human rights theory, e.g., within the context of Natural Rights Theories: Their Origin and Development, written by R.Tuck, we can find that at the dawn of human rights theory such a controversy in the late Middle Ages played a crucial role.
笹原 八代美
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.2, pp.160-181, 2007-03

山梨 八重子 ヤマナシ ヤエコ Yamanashi Yaeko
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
no.12, pp.84-89, 2018-03

我々は自殺を試みようとする者を目の前にしたとき、とっさにそれに介入し阻止するだろう。阻止介入に対して、その当事者からの非難や抗議の声があるとしても、社会通念は介入を当然の行為とみなし、もし介入せずに放置したならば道徳的な責めを受けるであろう。しかし自殺自体は本人の意思による行為であり自己決定を優位にとらえるならば、それを阻止する介入は、その自己決定に対する侵害と見なされる可能性もある。本レポートでは、意志ある者で行為可能な者による自死に限定し、自死に対する道徳的判断とさらに、自死を踏みとどまる時、我々の中に生起する思いとその判断の根底にあるものを、R・ドゥオーキン(Ronald Dwoekin)の人間の生の「本来的価値」を手がかりに検討することを目的とする。
山野 克明
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.7, pp.29-47, 2013-03

The purpose of this study is to critically consider the present Japanese situationwhere occupational therapy is regarded as a medical practice. Occupationaltherapy which can be practiced only when the physicians write the prescription istreated as a relative medical practice in Japan. However, there have been acriticism on this point from the therapists and the other professions from 1970's to80's. Then, the occupational therapists considered their therapy as a clinicalpractice different from medical practice by the new theories of occupationaltherapy that have been imported from the US and Canada to Japan since 1990's.Occupational therapy which places a high value to the culture and the society forthe patients and their community would not be regarded as a medical practice.Even so, the occupational therapists are not excluded from medical profession.Occupational therapists who practice in Japan may have absolute or relativeoccupational therapy practice which is different from medical practice, becausethey have had their own point of view which they have used the "occupation" as atherapy for the patients.
佐藤 岳詩
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
no.10, pp.5-24, 2016-03

In "Modern Moral Philosophy" (1958), Anscombe put three famous claims against moral philosophy at the time: the profitability claim, the conceptual claim, and the triviality claim. Because of their keen critical characters, she had been known as one of the greatest critic of consequentialism. Unfortunately, it was, however, so keen that not so much attention had been payed to her own moral theory, compared with her critical argument. In this paper, I tried to shed light on a positive side of Anscombe's moral theory. Firstly, her diagnosis of the disease of "Modern Moral Philosophy" was outlined. Secondly, her own prescription was examined through the review of her arguments on human needs after "Modern Moral Philosophy".
大塚 文
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
no.7, pp.76-93, 2013-03

These days the importance and respect for self-determination receive constant understanding in the healthcare environment, and one of its embodiments is informed consent (IC). When a patient wants to make some kind of decision by himself in the medical care, the patient demands communication including psychological, social, and economical (psychosocial) information, with healthcare workers -particularly doctors-, but in reality it is often found that communication with doctors is only concerned with medical related problems. Also in the social work practice, patient's self-determination is the root and trunk and MSWs' help begins by hearing enough about psychosocial situation of the patient in interviews. Understanding patients based on their psychosocial situation may support the IC between patients and other healthcare workers -particularly doctors. In other words MSWs understand a patient as a person, and as a specialist they supplement patients' self-determination. In this paper, I insisted upon the importance of the psychosocial understanding by confirming the process of the origin and the development of U.K, USA, and Japanese MSWs, and I described whether or not MSWs can contribute to patient's self-determination including IC.
脇 崇晴
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
no.6, pp.101-117, 2012-03

The aim of this paper is to show the significance of feelings in ethics. First, I will explain that the way of caring in terminal care enables us to accept patient's feelings. It is important for patients to express their own feelings to relieve pain, anger, grief and so on. Secondly, I will show that incidents such as ethnic conflict can not be solved simply by justice. Hatred and desire for revenge can not be removed by judgements or punishments. Such feelings have to be healed. Finally, I try to value feelings highly from a standpoint of virtue ethics. According to Aristotle, acting with opportune feelings is virtuous. Here the feelings are not opposed to reason, but rather reasonable. Everywhere in society, expressing feelings adequately is required.
林 誓雄 ハヤシ セイユウ Hayashi Seiyu
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
no.12, pp.44-64, 2018-03

In my book (Virtue in rugs, 2015), I insisted that Hume's moral theory could be read as a kind of virtue ethics. But, that might be an insufficient interpretation, because, at that time, I didn't have the exact criterion or definition of virtue ethics, so it can be thought that Hume's theory is included not within "virtue ethics" but within "virtue theory". Which category should be Hume's theory included within? Or what kind of virtue ethics (theory) is Hume's theory? In this paper, I explore and consider the criterion or definition of virtue ethics in some (neo-Aristotelian) virtue ethics. In the course of it, I try to make it clear that it is important to shed light on the conception of virtue, in order to answer those questions.
山梨 八重子
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.8, pp.153-173, 2014-03

In this study, I examine the basis for justification of paternalistic acts in education. My assumption is that the theory of paternalism does not include apply to children, but accepts paternalistic intervention for children by adults and teachers. The reason behind this is that children are by nature inexperienced compared to adults. However, in reality it is a common occurrence for teachers to intervene excessively for children in the context of school education. Therefore, based on knowledge of paternalism theories, I attempt to define a standard to prevent excessive intervention by teachers with regard to children. In conclusion, I examine the basis of justification for teachers to intervene on behalf of children.
田中 朋弘
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.10, pp.25-38, 2016-03

This paper examines the character of professional responsibility, mainly with reference to the theory of common morality and particular moralities by Beauchamp and Childress. Furthermore, it examines the concepts of generality and particularity in normative ethical theories, the attitude approach and the role morality argument by Bowie, and two usages of reason by Kant. The professional responsibility is considered as a special role morality, which depends on some specialized and specific norms rather than on the general norms from the abstract principles. The theory of common morality and particular moralities has some persuasiveness, and it has the possibilities of being developed as a comprehensive normative ethical theory. However, there remains a question concerning the foundation of moral pluralism, and an issue of how usual moral judgments are located in their theory.
浅井 篤 石本 博子
先端倫理研究 : 熊本大学倫理学研究室紀要 (ISSN:18807879)
vol.8, pp.25-35, 2014-03

Should we respect treatment refusal of incompetent patients who cannot decide forthemselves? What principle or reason could justify compulsory interventions against the patients' will? This paper deliberates various factors that possibly influence our attitudes toward an incompetent patient's refusal of treatment. Issues discussed would include standard treatments at a given time in a given culture, advance directives, perpetuity of incompetency, nature of refusedinterventions, alternatives, emergency, ethical and medical uncertainty, ourdiscriminatory feeling, human dignity, fundamental liberty, and patient's moralobligations. We conclude that compulsion against incompetent patients should beexceptional and must not be forced unless there is a serious reason.